A Rookie's Complete Guide to Brazilian Waxing

If you, too, are a wax newbie and curious about the procedure, here's everything you need to know before getting a Brazilian wax.


What is a Brazilian wax, exactly?

There's a bikini wax, where hair on the sides and top area along the bikini line are removed, and then there's a Brazilian, which leaves your entire pubic area bare. A Brazilian wax removes all the hair from your bikini area (top, sides, and front), and those hard-to-reach areas in the back. Simply put: everything goes. You can opt to leave a "landing strip" or a triangle, choice is up to you. And unlike waxing eyebrows, chins, and underarms, Brazilian waxing doesn't require any paper strips.


Does it hurt?

Any procedure that requires removing the hair out of follicles is going to be an unpleasant experience. The good news is, when you start waxing consistently, what we're doing is training the hairs to come out at the same time so they can grow in at the same time. The first time hurts the worst, especially if you've been shaving, but once your hair structure starts changing because of waxing, it becomes so much easier and less painful.


How can you prep for a Brazilian wax?

Pop an ibuprofen before your arrival. Also, wear loose-fitting clothes and bring a new pair of underwear is better than re-wearing the one you've been wearing all day. Finally, don't shave. When you're shaving, the hair is cut down to different levels, which makes it harder for the wax to grip. If you shave even once after getting a wax, it's like starting all over again. After a wax, it takes about three to four weeks for hair to grow back.


What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

When compared to shaving, a Brazilian wax is less likely to irritate your skin and cause unwanted bumps and rashes. This is largely due to the fact that when you wax, your hair is pulled out from the root. The hair that grows back in the same place is thinner, softer, and weaker, leading to fewer complications, such as ingrown hairs.

Other benefits include:

- Removing damaged skin cells and allowing healthy, new skin tissue to grow

- Drawing out the congestion found in clogged pores, reducing acne breakouts

- Reducing pigmentation areas on your skin that result from aging

- Clearing dry skin so that new, healthy skin can grow through

- Increasing your blood circulation, which helps drain built-up toxins from your skin and break up fatty tissues

- Promotes collagen production, which hydrates your skin and reduces wrinkling.


How do you care for your freshly-waxed skin afterwards?

It's important to exfoliate every other day because you need to get that dead skin off the surface or it will get trapped into the hair follicles and block the hair from growing out. This is how ingrown hairs are created. Also avoid any sweaty activities, sun exposure, public pools, or jacuzzi, and showering with very hot water after getting a wax.


How long does it last?

It takes about three to four weeks for your hair to start growing back (this can be longer or shorter, depending on the person). Allow your hair to grow as least as long as the length of a rice grain before scheduling an appointment.

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